Illusions rock
“Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.” Mark Twain (1830-1903)
Meditation MADE EASY! Using your self to find THE SELF is now a Reality. Enlightenment for Everyone.
“Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.” Mark Twain (1830-1903)
For the next eight weeks, I spent most of my time in the tank. The only evidence of my existence was the dried Epsom salt trails leading to the refrigerator and the bathroom. — Harry Palmer, Living Deliberately
All the ideas we have of ourselves are ULTIMATELY false. Any asserted or resisted definition– call it I, identity, self–it is not who we are! It’s a product of who we are! It’s the bubble we created to operate from within. It is the definition that we wear, and it determines our experience of other […]
It is possible to return to the timeless, nondimensional source of a creation. Once there, it is possible to stop creating a creation by relaxing into an effortless state (discreate). — Harry Palmer “Living Deliberately”
The cycle of genesis is imagination, intention, creation, perception, experience…over and over. All of which is occurring against an aware, compassionate nospace background–the detached higher self, pure awareness! — Harry Palmer “Living Deliberately”
I had a realization: Truth is relative to the point of view from which it is perceived. What I look as and where I look from determine my perception of truth. I experienced deep compassion as I understood that everyone, from their viewpoint, is seeing truth. I think this is a key understanding for creating a harmonious civilization.