Author: jcl4ever

dumping grounds

* Course Outline ** Welcome *** History ** Truth ** Reality *** p.163 – sane and pragmatic vs psychic, insane, nonsane ** From Reality to Truth *** via logical proof *** via Creation Myths ** From Reality to Truth over Time *** Dreamspell calendar – 13 moons + 1 day out of time ** Isolation […]

Declaration of Faith

We believe that TRUTH exists for you alone. It is entirely personal, subjective and free to change: IT NEEDS NO VALIDATION BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE INITIAL CREATOR/OBSERVER.(ref: “Spiritologie” by Andreas Buttler) We believe that REALITY is the degree of agreement existing between two or more persons or beings. REALITY is not TRUTH or something that ‘actually and really is so’. It is […]

Opening Resolutions

$DATE  On the above-referenced date, the Gnostic Isolation Temple formed its board of directors. The board resolved that the board members will be as follows: President: Rev. Terrence Monroe Brannon Vice President: Rev. Josh Copeland Second Vice President: Secretary: Rev. S. Smith, Attorney at Law Treasurer: Rev. J. Smith, Retired Security Consultant Director of Spiritual […]