In February 2015 in Yonkers, NY I floated continously for 21 days.
Here is a live interview that Christopher Wardlaw did with me about the experience.
For some odd reason, it seemed that the world of software engineering was finding every reason for me not to be hired in New York.
I think I basically just gave up on getting another job, other than popping out of the tank for a quick check of email about job opportunities… so my exits from the tank included emailing job recruiters back and forth and maybe taking a call or two in addition to kitchen and bathroom breaks. and since I didnt have a bed in my apartment at 66 Main St, Yonkers, NY, I just started sleeping in the tank instead of on the floor.
Above you see the ideal food supply for Isolation Tank Gnosis – something you can dump in a shaker bottle and scarf down quickly. No need for heavy meals IMHO.
So what happened while floating?
I cant really say that much happened while floating… but once I left being completely isolated, it was then that I noticed the camera-like awareness that was floating outside of my body.
I landed an interview in Brooklyn. As I left Yonkers for Brooklyn, the camera-like awareness was outside the body as I ran around trying to get on trains, etc. And even as I gave money to a beggar: he said “thank you” in a very warm way and I ignored him and marched off to my job interview.
Eventually I did land a job… in California
So after all sorts of weird reasons that no one would hire me in New York, I broke down the Zen Float Tent, packed it up and headed for Northern California
One final weird thing
I wrote The Holy Book for Isolation Tank Gnosis in 2008 or so… 7 years BEFORE I actually did the practice… I guess i was leaning on Harry Palmer’s experience as the guide for forming the Isolation Tank Gnosis holy book. But I did eventually adhere to the “Come and See for Yourself” doctrine of ITG even though it took me 7 years to do so.